Product and service designer


Design thinking + design doing.
User-centered yet aesthetic.
Strategy and design for (digital) products, brands, and organizations.

Live from the stage/my workspace

Yuri Knopper

(NL, 1991)

I majored in Strategic Product Design (2016) at University of Technology Delft. This only after I received my bachelor's degree (2013) in Industrial Design Engineering at the same University. During my bachelors, I interned for Spark Design & Innovation, a leading product design agency based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. After graduating I went on to work at FreedomLab — Institute of Redefinition — as a strategy consultant, located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Here I worked for over 2 years until I decided to start as a creative brand strategist at The Young, a micro global design agency based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Next to my professional experience and my time at University of Technology Delft, I have studied Transportation Design for half a year at Coventry University — School of Arts and Design, as an Erasmus exchange program.

As a designer, I strongly believe in a user-centered approach. Therefore, empathy is, in my opinion, the most valuable skill to have as a designer. This combined with an iterative approach — where failing means learning — leads to better and more relevant solutions for the user.

In my spare time, I like to draw, experiment with various production methods, love graphic design, listen to all kinds of music (from world to electronic music) and attempting to learn to DJ.

Ultimately, it’s about playing around and thereby learning new stuff.